Travel Information

 Here is some travel information. Feel free to contact Tim Reed ( with any additional questions.

The Mini-Festival will be held on the Manchester University campus in North Manchester, Indiana.  North Manchester is a small town, about a 40 minute drive from Fort Wayne.




The Fort Wayne International Airport is the closest airport, approximately 45 minutes from North Manchester. It s a small airport and tends to be expensive.


The Indianapolis Airport is often much less expensive but is a two hour drive from North Manchester.





The Treeway Inn is the main hotel in North Manchester. It’s not fancy, but it’s affordable.


The Fruit Basket Inn is a bed and breakfast in town. It’s a little more expensive than the Treeway, but is also a little bit nicer.


There are also rooms available on campus.  The University has several rooms available. The rooms are inexpensive ($42 for a room with two twin beds), but are in the same building as student dorms. Also know that the campus is both dry and smoke free when considering the on-campus rooms.




For those flying into Fort Wayne, we will try to have students available to shuttle guests from the Ft. Wayne airport. We can’t promise anything at this point and will send more information soon.


Call For Works

Call for Works:

The Manchester University (N. Manchester, Indiana) Department of Music is pleased to announce a call for submissions for the 1st Manchester New Music Mini-Festival.

The festival will take place on the Manchester University campus in North Manchester, Indiana on Feb. 22-23 of 2013. The festival will include concerts, presentations and a masterclass. This year’s featured performer will be saxophonist, Dr. Farrell Vernon, and the festival will highlight new music for saxophone.

Compositions featuring the sopranino saxophone in a chamber setting are encouraged, as well as works featuring saxophone (up to 4 players). Chamber and solo works for any standard instruments are also welcome. Some programming decisions will be based on availability of performers.

Electroacoustic compositions are also encouraged (although limited to 4-channel playback).

Composers of selected works will be expected to attend the festival.

Send submissions via email to (files larger than 10 MB should be sent using or an equivalent service). Please include the following…

  •  Score (PDF)
  •  Duration of the work
  •  MP3 or link to audio file (if available)
  •  Program Notes
  •  Composer Bio

Deadline: August 15

There is no submission or registration fee.

For additional information contact Tim Reed ( or visit